So, there's this guy with this cool afro. He comes up to me and asks me to take a picture of him. I say "are you cereal?" and he ignores me and gets this Polaroid out of this two beautiful girls. I swear that in all the years that I've been a "photographer" I've seen such a beauty; specially the girl with the glasses. Anyways, he puts the Polaroid picture in front of his face. And to be honest I don't blame him for doing such thing; he's not that attractive, you see. Oh, and then comes the flash and action. The picture has been taken. The cool guy with the afro tells me "Oh God, thank you very much. How could I ever pay you?" and before I even get the chance to answer his pathetic question he asks me "Are you going to eat that orange right there?". I roll my eyes and ask him with a sarcasm tone "Ugh, great. Do you want me to peal it for you?" and he says "BEEEEEEEEM. Calmada apenas si me tomaste una foto y ya quieres pelarmela!". I didn't understand a word he said. It must have been some sort of slang chinese or something. Then, the cool guy stood up very angry and disturbed about what had just happened, got the orange, and left. Right after he left I saw this little paper note on the table. I opened the note and to my surprise it said, " STOKS _ _ _-_ _ _ _ ". It was his phone number! and on the bottom of the paper it said, " THANKS FOR THE PHOTO mamacita♥." haha. All i can say about this is to watch out for strangers girls. They can be some wild men out there like this guy. Oh, yeah. All this was during my lunch break :) .
have a nice one people.
jajaja te quiero kiuri.
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