Wednesday, August 27, 2008


You see the girl with the pink dress? yup yup. That's me trying to crash a class in college! This was taken yesterday and according to the teachers or whatever, they have this stupid policy whereas they call it the LOTTERY POLICY. The procedures are lame as the hot weather and sweaty people on campus :( ...

1. your name is written in a piece of paper.

2. the drawing starts until the instructor is done with his/her (usually his) lame jokes about crashers.

3. then you wait until you get deny the spot in class you REALLY deserve because you were in class before all those 40 crashers (:

4. finally you do blogs in your blogger and let everyone know how miserable you are :(



1 comment:

Boricvamorena13 said...


this is so clever, I like it :)
